WILD is an award-winning charity that has been working with young parent families for the last 30 years. They are the biggest specialist young parents’ charity in the UK, and are well-known locally and nationally.
WILD provide a whole-family service for young mums, young dads and their children who want to be good parents, active community members, and provide for their family, but they often have vulnerabilities that get in the way of them achieving this. They run 10 weekly groups for young mums across Cornwall, plus groups for young dads. Their caseworkers help individual mums and dads with more complex needs, and their early years team help parents build positive attachment and parenting skills. They also run specialist projects, including music, sports, domestic abuse, arts and peer mentoring.
Stephen and Ben attended on behalf of the Charles Reynolds Foundation to present WILD with a cheque.
Ben commented: “It was great to meet some of the team at WILD and hear about how they are helping young parents across Cornwall. I became a first-time dad recently and I can see how projects like this can be vital to young parents, the support WILD provide can be invaluable”
Stephen commented: “The value of service that WILD provide to the local area and the county as a whole can not be understated. WILD are at the forefront of battling generational poverty by giving young parents the tools and skills they need for a fresh start which will undoubtedly have a positive impact on their children.”